Relationship Dreams (part 1)

Episode 18 - Relationship Dreams (part 1): Love, Sex, & Romantic Desires in Dreams In this episode Mimi explores some of the most common relationship dream themes, including: romantic dreams of an ex when your partner cheats in a dream and you wake up mad at them – versus when you cheat in a dream! the difference between sexy-time [...]

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Cheating Dreams

A 45 year old woman had the following dream: “I’ve been having dreams over the last 5 years that my husband is cheating on me. He is a really good guy and gives me no reason to suspect that he actually is, but when I wake up the dreams feel so real it scares me and [...]

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Dreams of Your Partner Cheating

"What does it mean if I dreamed my partner cheated on me?" The first reaction is usually to be mad or suspicious of your partner. But hold on! While again anything is possible - do your fact checking if you think they are literally having an affair - HOWEVER...This dream usually indicates that you are feeling [...]

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