Lucid Dreaming

Episode 35 - Lucid Dreaming with Robert Waggoner Robert Waggoner is the author of two books on lucid dreaming, and serves as co-editor of the online magazine The Lucid Dreaming Experience. He has been an active lucid dreamer since 1975. In this episode Robert shares tips for how to have a lucid dream, the difference between [...]

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Lucid Dreaming Insights

  Lucid dreaming is the ability to be consciously aware of the fact that we are dreaming, as it is happening, and often involves choosing to change the actions, characters, or outcomes of our dreams. When we are asleep, the conscious part of the mind that involves rational thinking goes off line. That’s why dreams seem [...]

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Dreams & The Paranormal – Workshop at the Bellevue Club (Private Event)

Paranormal and Extraordinary Phenomena in Sleep and Dreams Have you ever dreamed of a departed loved one, and wondered if their spirit had really come to visit you? Or dreamed of an encounter or event that later actually happened? This workshop will explore some of the unusual and mysterious aspects of sleep and dreams, including: Precognitive Dreams After [...]

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Altered States of Consciousness in Sleep and Dreams

Hypnogogic State – The transitional, twilight state between being awake and falling asleep. In this state it is common for paranormal phenomena to occur, including auditory and/or visual hallucinations, out of body experiences, sleep paralysis and sleep paralysis attacks. Hypnopompic State – Same as the hypnogogic state, except this term refers to the transition from sleep [...]

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