Shared Dreams

To learn more about dreams, check out The Dream Detective podcast in your favorite podcast platform, or visit the podcast page for a full directory: Shared dreams, also known as mutual dreams, are when two or more people share a dream experience at the same time. The degree to which the dream is shared can vary, [...]

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Mutual Dream

Here is an example of a woman who had a mutual dream with her ex-boyfriend. The dreams were not exactly the same, but there was definite overlap and they happened at the same time. For this one, I am sharing some of the question and answer process so you can see a dream session in [...]

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Altered States of Consciousness in Sleep and Dreams

Hypnogogic State – The transitional, twilight state between being awake and falling asleep. In this state it is common for paranormal phenomena to occur, including auditory and/or visual hallucinations, out of body experiences, sleep paralysis and sleep paralysis attacks. Hypnopompic State – Same as the hypnogogic state, except this term refers to the transition from sleep [...]

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