Tidal Waves of Emotion

A 47 year old man had the following recurring dream: “In my dream I am on a beach at the ocean. A tidal wave is coming. I think to myself how beautiful it is, and I am in awe of it. But I also know that I’d better get away from it.” This dream is a classic [...]

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Dreams of Being Back in School, Unprepared for the Test

A 52-year-old woman has the following recurring dream: “I have recurring dreams that I am back in school and about to take a test, when suddenly I realize that I have not studied, nor did I ever attend the class! I go into a panic. In other versions of the dream, I can’t find the classroom [...]

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The House Break-In Dream Interpretation

A 42 year old man had the following dream: “I recently had a dream that my house was being broken in to. I was in the kitchen, my wife and kids were in different rooms of the house. I heard a noise and realized someone had broken into our house. I moved toward the invader and [...]

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Sleep Paralysis Attacks

Sleep paralysis is a phenomenon that happens during the transition between sleep and waking. During R.E.M. (dreaming) sleep the body becomes paralyzed, in order to keep us from physically acting out our dreams. Normally, the paralysis stops before we wake up. However occasionally there is a 'glitch in the system', and our mind wakes up [...]

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Dream: Knife Games

A dreamer writes: I had a dream where I was with a bunch of guys and we would stab each other just like we were playing tag, and throw knives at each other. We were all having fun. It was just like a game, but I didn't feel any pain when getting hit by the knives. [...]

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Dream: ‘The Contract’

A dreamer writes: If my dream were a movie, I would call it ‘The Contract’.  In my dream, we had to kill to not be killed, people we didn't know would come, trained people, and slowly they would kill us. I refused staying anymore in that world and left, waking up in my dream world, in [...]

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Altered States of Consciousness in Sleep and Dreams

Hypnogogic State – The transitional, twilight state between being awake and falling asleep. In this state it is common for paranormal phenomena to occur, including auditory and/or visual hallucinations, out of body experiences, sleep paralysis and sleep paralysis attacks. Hypnopompic State – Same as the hypnogogic state, except this term refers to the transition from sleep [...]

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