Incubus Sleep Paralysis Dream,

A 16-year old girl had the following dream: “This is the second time I’ve seen an incubus in my dream. The first time the incubus sat on my chest and I tried to scream, but my sister didn’t hear me. In the recent dream, I’m having a sleep over with my two best friends in my [...]

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Sleep Paralysis Attacks

Sleep paralysis is a phenomenon that happens during the transition between sleep and waking. During R.E.M. (dreaming) sleep the body becomes paralyzed, in order to keep us from physically acting out our dreams. Normally, the paralysis stops before we wake up. However occasionally there is a 'glitch in the system', and our mind wakes up [...]

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Altered States of Consciousness in Sleep and Dreams

Hypnogogic State – The transitional, twilight state between being awake and falling asleep. In this state it is common for paranormal phenomena to occur, including auditory and/or visual hallucinations, out of body experiences, sleep paralysis and sleep paralysis attacks. Hypnopompic State – Same as the hypnogogic state, except this term refers to the transition from sleep [...]

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Sleep Paralysis Attacks

While many people may experience an upsetting but soon to pass case of sleep paralysis, others report an even more terrifying occurrence that happens while in this paralyzed state: the sensation of being visited by some kind of entity. Coined ‘Paralysis Attacks’ by David Hufford, Professor of Behavioral Science at Penn State University, these experiences [...]

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